Statement of Faith– Westminster Presbyterian Church, Sarver, Pa


We believe in the Trinity; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit who had no beginning and have no end.

We believe God has revealed His Word and will for us in the Old and new Testaments.

We believe that “sin” separates us from God.  Sin is willful disobedience and failure to live as God’s people.  The penalty for sin is separation from God for all eternity.  The only answer to this problem is faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

We believe that when Jesus came to earth, He was fully God and fully human.  He lived a perfectly obedient life to God.  His sacrificial, substitutionary atonement made it possible for humans to  re-connected to God.  Following His death, Jesus rose bodily from the grave, ascended to Heaven and sent the promised Holy Spirit.

We believe the Holy Spirit quickens our dead spirits.  He makes us alive spiritually.  He convicts of sin, gives spiritual gifts, comforts, and prays for us.

We believe God has given us two sacraments. A sacrament is “an outward sign of an inward reality.”  In Baptism we are reminded of our new birth which is a sign of our justification.  In Communion, we are constantly reminded of the great cost of our salvation. In Communion we are spiritually nourished by the presence of Christ.

We believe that Christ is coming again to close human history as we know it and bring us into His heavenly kingdom.  Heaven is the place God has prepared for those who have put their faith and trust in Him.  Those who have rejected the saving work of Christ in their lives will live eternally outside the presence of God.  A place that God’s word describes as Hell.

We believe we are called to be witnesses for the message of the gospel.  We are to live obediently to God, sharing the light of God’s truth, love, justice and peace with all people.